
Showing posts from 2009

Poetry blog updated

Wow! It has been awhile (too long) that I have blogged anything into this one. Anyway, I have already updated Is This What You Call Literature??? blog, added two new poems that have been inspired (forced) due to the 1Malaysia concept. Well, not really forced but more of a workshop thingy that I had participated in GAPENA's 1Malaysia poetry writing workshop last Friday (30 Oct-1 Nov 2009) at Akademi Kenegaraan BTN, KL. Here you go and enjoy or hate them: Ikrar Serumpun and Balada Pa' Belalang


New blog up, an e-novel of my own on (WIP) Aku Bukan Anak Patung . check it out!


It has been awhile (too long, in fact) since I wrote anything in this blog. Anyway, being a daughter and under care of parents, I have been nagged quite a number of times (too much I believe) to stabilize myself so that I can help my parents to support myself and other siblings, and of course, my parents. I believe it is everyone's responsibilities to pay gratitude to their parents and take care of them in return. However, when I told them I wanted to pursue my ambition as a lighting designer, the reaction I got from my dad was, "Oh, so that's like, struggling for an electric engineer post." At first I ignored that tell-tale signs. As I return home for the Eid Mubarak festive and stayed at my parents' for awhile, again the subject was brought up. I kept this to myself, "Why is it so difficult to be a lighting designer here (in Malaysia)?" Well, possible reason(s) would be: It's a men's world out there. Only individuals with Electrical qualificati...


ramadhan dah dekat... segala setan, iblis dan lain2 diikat. poselah kita, dapat berkat. tapi masih juga ada yang "disakat" :D tak lupa juga salurkan zakat, ikut syariat. tapi masih juga ada yang bertangan berat tibanya malam lailatuqadar, malam penuh rahmat malam dinanti baraqah mengatasi segala nikmat yang berperangai setan berubah umpama malaikat (Insya Allah!) itulah... ramadhan penghulu segala bulan selamat nyambut ramadhan al-mubarak kpd sume saudara seagama kita di seantero dunio!

renungan hari ini, ketika ini

kerana cinta , sayang dan rindu maka ramai yang menderita, merana juga terpedaya. kerana tiga perkataan inilah manusia jadi bingung dan buntu. kerana cinta, sayang dan rindu jugalah air mata ini gugur kesekian kalinya. aduh... kenapa air mata ini menitis gara-gara insan bergelar lelaki? amaran keras: gue bukan antilelaki ya. cuma gue hairan dengan sifat & sikap manusia bergelar lelaki ini. ada sesiapa boleh bantu agar gue tidak bias dalam perhitungan hidup?

new room

quiet, lonely place. just the two of us... +3. love all of you.

Cherish the moments

9 Jun 2009, 8:09pm

Yang mana satu pilihan kalbu: SPC, MUFY, IB...???

Adik bongsuku dalam dilema. Justeru ibu bapaku juga turut dilema, disertai teruja. Aku cuma berbangga kerana dia berjaya mendapat tempat di IPT tempatan, juga mendapat tempat untuk melanjutkan pelajarannya ke luar negara menerusi MUFY. Kelakarnya, lain jurusan yang dipohonnya, lain pula yang ditawarkan. Biasalah tu! Apply lain, panggil interview course lain, dapat lak course lain. Anehnya sistem pemilihan dan kemasukan IPT di Malaysia ni. Dan baru-baru ni, adikku & my parents telah ke ibu pejabat MARA untuk membuat rayuan. Kelakarnya, walaupun ramai yang datang ke pejabat itu atas tujuan yang sama, pegawai yang bertugas langsung tak buat apa2 tindakan, i.e. ambil nota/wat repot tentang aduan mereka. Dia (aku tak suka guna beliau sebab aku tak rasa pegawai tu patut direspek, cuma patut dikursuskan lagi >:D) telah menggunakan 'kemahiran kemanusiaan'nya, i.e. bercakap dengan petah, telah memberikan komentar/nasihat yang ngarut kepada para pemohon & ibu bapa yang telah ...

Merz 380 SE & Abahku

foto ini hiasan semata & ini bukan laman rumah gue . harap maklum . tq . So... what's d catch? " Kita umo dah tua 2 gini , elok pakai Merz . sedap driving long distance ," kata sorang sahabat surau abahku , yang merupakan ahli kelab Merz taman perumahan kitorang . Entahla . I just don't see d point of driving a Merz when u're already 57 . Juga , adik - beradikku yang sume dah beso panjang lebih optimis kepada family car , i.e. Toyota Serena ataupun van. Tapi abahku ... probably a typical father/man ego yang tak mau ngalah tetap pertahankan Merz 380 SE itu . Malah siap cari shades, seat cover untuk kete tu . Hmm... Apa kata kita tunggu & lihat saja ;)

a dedication

i am at ease, by the thought of u. i am content. an image of u, soothes me yet sends tingling sensations to every part of me. a glimpse of u, make me blush yet i felt warmth (is it or am i just dreaming?) . a chat with u... obviously i'm so nervous i say less and observe more. being with u... are u the angel sent from above for me? to be my guide and cherish everything I have & had? i am thankful. thank you. note: image from

facebook profile makeover using PageRage!


siapa sengal: Aku ke... ko?

ada gak yang jeles cucu mesra dengan atoknya... huhuh itu pasal aku kata sengal! akupun jadik sengal gak! sebabnya... aku lah cucu tu! tak paham tol aku. inilah dunia (akhir jaman) ... esok lusa tah apa la pulak... mungkin jadi cam gambo sebelah ni kot :p HISH! mintak simpang selisih malaikat 44!!! (image: jealousy.jpg Copyright 2004 Steven Stahlberg) thanks Steven Stahlberg!  

what is happiness?

bring me back my happiness!!! i have forgotten what it's like to be happy. i've lost it a long time ago. i'll only feel happy when someone else that is around me is/are happy- children, people... me? what happened? why and how i lost it? i want to be happy therefore i'm searching for it. i haven't found it, yet. to love others thy must learn to love thyself. so ... will i ever find my happiness?

New year new look

Had been browsing thru the 'Net and found this page, eblog . and... Voila!! I've already transformed my blogs, all three of 'em! But they still stand as individual blogs :) Thanx!