
Showing posts from 2008

Can Blood Type Determine Your Personality?

I have a rare blood type—AB+, which only 4 percent of the U.S. has—and secretly, I always thought it made me kind of special, even... View >>

feature: MyFunCards- Best Friends


hanged/tied v1.0

your red string has already choked my heart and slicing it into pieces. is there anymore damage to be done?


untie me. these strings have turned into ropes, pulling me down into the deepest, darkest tunnel of my life. i'm unhappy here. i'm not getting answers to my questions. you left me the questions to answer all by myself. i'm tired of guessing, hinting and all... i want your answer.  i'm simply tired of all this. really.  or perhaps... should i initiate the 1st move? would you be moved by then? or... like the others, you silently break away from me, avoiding me all you can.  what should i do?  what do i do then?  what would you do?

Point of ponder

If blogger is a book, I'd probably have finished my 5th book (perhaps even more) on writing/"rambling". Thing is, I'm not thaat enthusiastic as in my teen/schooling years. Probably at that time I'm so raged to let off steam on paper rather to a person. The pen is mightier than the sword they say. Just too many happenings in the world today makes 1 wonder what, where, who, when, how things went wrong when it shouldn't. Or probably it's 1 of the signs that it's the end of the world? anyway i've been drawn into video editing since the past few days. lots of new things to learn and discover along the way; even meet new friends.

new blog!

I've added another blog: Artzy Frenzy Gallery . you can view my artworks online.


Image always. This'll be my personal platform to upload my works of art. Also an alternative to uploading my works onto, since I'm facing connection difficulties to the 'Net. enjoy! oh yes, comments are welcome. so... welcome aboard!


Image always. This'll be my personal platform to upload my works of art. Also an alternative to uploading my works onto, since I'm facing connection difficulties to the 'Net. enjoy! oh yes, comments are welcome. so... welcome aboard!

(lazy) Update

managed to crack up this lazy brain of mine to compose a few updates. bad nerve coordination I believe, even my fingers were reluctant to agree to what the brain commanded them to do. (lame excuse!) Last two week's been a hectic week (well... not really) - Children coming into rehearsals in a messy studio-cum-clubhouse of ours ( Bingkas Kebayan 's), Angkatan Karyawan Aktif Kuala Lumpur (ANGKA)'s theatre fragment video shoot, plus me attending a half-day crash course of Final Cut Pro video editing at manggis (kudos to sifu Abang Pojie @ Fauzee Nasir, Kak Yan's hubby). Bingkas Kebayan's rehearsals for its 1st musical, Mahkota Buana The rehearsals have already begun since we've finished the MPAJ's Maulud project last March. At the moment the kids are... well, rehearsing. A few of them have gone into recording music guides for the musical at Quantize Studio, Pandan Indah. Definitely, after each production, the production team "suffers" post-productio...


I haven't had the chance to update this blog in a veeery looong time. It seems that I've been "hooked" with Facebook (or more accurately, addicted). Currently busy preparing items for the group's audition (9-10/2/2008). Which means that I'll be not updating this blog (again) for God knows how long. Oh yes, I've discovered other things along the way too. I've also managed to exercise my clumsy fingers to draw. Which reminds me to include some of them here (some are still unfinished works): Anyway you guys can check out (dA in ahort). Which reminds me... I haven't submitted any artwork (yet!) to dA. Have fun browsing the site!